Valentine's Day
Classic Dozen Roses
Red Rose Arrangement
Let Galloway Florist deliver a beautiful 10" vase full of the best roses available.
This vase of brilliant red roses is an elegant and natural way to say, "I love you." Call our shop or order on line today! AVAILABLE IN OTHER COLORS, ALSO.
Order within 8 hours 27 minutes for same-day delivery!
Shown at $95.00
Classic Urn Vase  , Foliage: Leather Leaf, Myrtle   , Red Roses   , Misty Blue Limonium.
Let Galloway Florist deliver a beautiful 10" vase full of the best roses available.
This vase of brilliant red roses is an elegant and natural way to say, "I love you." Call our shop or order on line today! AVAILABLE IN OTHER COLORS, ALSO.
Shown at $95.00
Shown at $95.00
Classic Urn Vase  , Foliage: Leather Leaf, Myrtle   , Red Roses   , Misty Blue Limonium.
Let Galloway Florist deliver a beautiful 10" vase full of the best roses available.
This vase of brilliant red roses is an elegant and natural way to say, "I love you." Call our shop or order on line today! AVAILABLE IN OTHER COLORS, ALSO.
Shown at $95.00
Same Day Delivery!
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Order within 8 hours 27 minutes for same-day delivery!
Valentine’s Day
Say “I love You”!!! Send a dozen or two dozen roses to your love one. It’s the perfect way to start the day.
We guarantee same day delivery. Place your order on-line early.